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I love feedback. No seriously I really do love feedback. Constructive and affirmative, both are just as important as the other. 


Let me start out first with what kind of feedback I’m talking about.


Affirmative feedback:

– positive feedback

– relating to someones behavior

– being a encourager


Constructive feedback:

– it’s NOT venting or gossiping 

– it IS calling someone to something greater.

– becoming more Christ like

– saying “call me out”


Of course affirmative feedback is a lot easier to give in some cases but it’s not just saying “oh you’re doing great keep doing what you’re doing”. It’s addressing the event or moment that you saw them grow in Christ. I love this one because it makes people smile, not just a simple smile, a smile from the heart. It also empowers them to be confident in their identity in Christ. Receiving affirmative feedback is a little different. At first, for me I struggled with accepting the truth that people had to say to me, but I have learned how to use it to confirm what God has already told me since I first heard His voice.


Now this is the one that most people stay away from when they can. Constructive feedback is truly the most beautiful way someone can call you out (if done the right way). I for one had no clue how I was going to actually give feedback to my teammate, I didn’t want it to seem like I was watching their every move or wanting to call them out.


The purpose of feedback is the opposite, you get to pray and ask the Lord to reveal what is not as aligned with Him as much. Isn’t that awesome? We get to just say “Hey God, I want to help others be closer to you, will you show me what I can encourage them to do or keep doing.” Simple as that. 


Receiving constructive feedback it tough. Sometimes you already know what it might be and sometimes you don’t. With my team, we do feedback once a week, sometimes I’m like ‘yeah, I’m ready for it” other times I feel horrible and get stuck in the headspace of “omg what did I do wrong this week.” That mindset sets me up for failure. I’ve really had to let go and let God with this so that I can embrace feedback with open arms and a open heart.




I wanted to thank my lovely Squad Coaches Shaun and Colleen for sharing so much wisdom in the short time they got to spend with us on campus. Mr. Shaun, I would like to thank you for teaching me and my squad so much about feedback, not just what it is but how to go about it and include it in our daily walk with Christ.

With Love, 

Kayci S.


4 responses to “I Love Feedback”

  1. Love your heart for growth! Thursday feedback times are so so special. I love that as my teammate you’re able to help make me look more like Jesus (and I the same for you). Very well written blog on feedback and the beautiful thing that it is!

  2. If we don’t give or get feed back – good or bad – we dont learn or move forward!

    Very nice – thanks

    Dan – Paige’s Dad

  3. Thank you! I love seeing our team grow through the consistency of giving feedback. Love you Kourtney!!