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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! I am so pleased to announce that I will going on the World Race Gap Year of September 2020 through May 2021. In these 9 months I will be Traveling to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Nepal to spread the love of Jesus Christ! Throughout these countries we will working with multiple ministries, Evangelizing, teaching English, participating in feeding programs. Each one of these I am beyond excited for what God has planned! 

Now back to why I really am writing this post, why am I going on this race? Let me first start with God revealing where he is calling me. I honestly was oblivious to it for many years till about my sophomore year of high school. I was lost and trying to turn my life around, didn’t take me long to realize God was waiting for me to take that step. As I continued to build my relationship with the Lord back up, I was searching my heart to see what God‘s next step for me was. Soon after I went on my first missions trip to Honduras in October of 2018 and let me tell you, God blew my mind to say the least haha. I was so excited to finally travel to another country, meet new people, emerce myself in a different culture but that wasn’t even the best part. The first time I spoke there it was very hard to tell my story but the moment it happened I knew God shift my heart. The entire time I was there I prayed into being a missionary, if that was truly the next step. 

That following year I was researching my butt off looking into programs and schools. Till we found out that my grandpa was supporting someone in this program called World Race. From that point I wanted to find out as much as I could about this trip. As my senior year started, I planned to go to a open house being held for the program. I was beyond excited to really get to see the workings of these trips. I also continued to praying for clarity and wisdom, to know the difference between my voice and the Lord’s. After the event I continued to talk to my parents, listening to any opinions and thoughts on the program. Then I took time to just sit and pray, in this moment I felt my Holy spirit shift, my heart moved, my mind was now set on devoted my life to God and setting everything aside to live 9 months guided by him. 

Now as I am committed to World Race Gap Year a lot is changing for the better. I am learning to enjoy every step in the process till launch, trusting God to provide! Please Pray for me and my team as we prepare for what God has in store for us and those we meet!!

always keep a smile:)

-Kayci S.

3 responses to “why the world race?”

  1. This is so amazing Kayci! You’re such an amazing person and best friend. I am truly blessed and thankful to have had you in my life since the first grade. I know that the people you meet and have the opportunity to teach and work with will be blessed as much as I have been knowing and going through life with you. I pray for a safe journey and much joy as you spread the word of the lord. I love you so much

  2. I’m honestly so excited for your upcoming trip. It is getting so close. We been praying for you and will continue to do so. I seriously hope this trip changes and transforms you in such a good way. I can’t wait to see the Lord amaze you in this life you lead. Get it Kayci!!!!!!

  3. Kayci I am so happy for you. You are truly blessed and I know God has wonderful things planned for your life. You have grown into such a smart, beautiful Christian young woman. I am so thankful that you and Madison have remained close friends through the years. I hope that you will continue to stay close with Madison. She needs a good Christian friend to help guide her. May God continue to bless you. I’m so proud of you. ??