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Wednesday March 3rd I started to have trouble breathing which was weird. I was getting over a head cold after climbing Acatenango that weekend. As I was trying to get control of my breathing I quickly realized I was not able to. My squad prayed over me and interceded for healing but I still continued to have troubled. My leader advised that we should go to a clinic as I was still struggling to breathe at the moment. I am not very fond of hospitals at all which didn’t help my breathing problem at all.

It’s 10:30 pm and we are heading to a clinic in Antigua, and they were not able to let us in. We drive to another clinic and are able to go in. Due to the fact of why I was going to the clinic they required me to take a covid test. After taking my vitals and having me sit in a outside tent (make shift room) for a hour they were ready to take my covid test. We waited another hour or so, they checked my vitals again. My covid test came back negative praise God! But we still don’t know what’s wrong. They tell me I can go inside now into the building to be seen by a doctor. We go in and to be expected the hospital was a little sketchy considering I could see most of the patients they were taking care of all in one area, but I didn’t care, I was there for help and that was that.

I am so thankful for May, who is a part of the AIM Guatemala base staff. She was with me, translating and helping me through it all. After many questions of why I was struggling to breathe still but not having any other problems they took chest X-rays, following more waiting they took my blood (never had my blood drawn before), taking my vitals again. Lastly giving me an iv with medication to treat my symptoms. A 7 hour hospital visit was not how I thought my night would go haha.As it has been almost a week since going to the hospital I am still having problems. I have been resting for the past few days with minimal improvement. 


On a lighter note, God is so good y’all, I might not be healed but He has restored my spirit everyday. Comforting me while I spend my time on the Base just resting. In prayer, He has affirmed me so much in how much he loves and cares for me and how much growth I am walking through with him. I have never felt so close in my relationship with the Lord till now. I know he has his hand in my life and what is going on with my body, I just have to trust his timing. 


I’m not going to lie, it has been really hard not being able to participate in much, not being able to go to ministry, missing out on teachings, not being able to help out with things. In the end, I know I can’t dwell on what I’m missing, I can only chose to see Gods love and faithfulness to me with each breath I take and each day I wake up not knowing what will come of it. 


I wanted to share all of this because I also need prayer from those invested in my life and this journey I’m taking. No one said it would be easy. So I just ask that you would pray for me as I walk this unknown territory having full trust in Gods plans for me. 


7 responses to “So… I went to the hospital”

  1. Praying for God’s complete healing and recovery for you as well as His wisdom to the physicians and medical staff. May the Holy Spirit’s presences be upon you wrapping you in His Spirit and comfort. I ask and pray this in Jesus name amen!

  2. Healing is yours, baby, so you must have been called to intercede:for the ministry, for the members of the ministry team, for all those sick people you saw in the hospital…the list goes on. Your body might be sidelined for the moment, but your spirit Is stronger than ever!

  3. That sounds really hard. I will definitely be praying for you. I can only imagine how stressed you must be.

  4. Praying for healing in the Fathers name! Take this time to immerse in the Father’s love!

  5. Your courage is inspiring.
    Praying for healing of your body and continuing faith while you and Jesus share some one-on-one time.
    Sometimes we see more clearly by standing back from the picture????????

  6. Kayci, you are in my prayers for comfort and healing. Continue to rest in the Lord and trust in His plan. While we may never know what He has planned, we can certainly trust that whatever it may be, it will be good – Because our God is GREAT!
    Love to you.